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Fading Obsession History
First off, thanks for wanting to know more about Fading Obsession. This site as of December 8th, 2004 has been just one week in the making so far. However, some of the content and yes maybe the overall feel may be familiar to some. My name is Mandi, and I have done another website entitled Mandi's MiAna Site along with 3 other forums ... Mandi's MiAna Forum (original), Mandi's MiAna V.2, and MiAna Land Pro-version. This site however will be a separate entity all together. For those that know of my previous work will be all to familiar with the guess you could say is my trademark style of having everything as pink as possible. FO is going to be almost it's opposite ... the darker side you could say. The primary goal of doing this site is ... well ... I'm not sure yet really. I always say that the only thing I do is make the thing ... it is those that visit the sites, and become members of the forums that make them what they are today. There will be more written here as time goes on. I'm pretty excited actually about Fading Obsession, and I hope you enjoyed your visit here as much as I did making it. Please do come again, and join the forum (link on the navigation to the left). See you again soon.

History making moment ... over 1080 unique visitors to this site in less than one month. (As of Jan. 4th, 2005) Fading Obsession is getting off to a huge start.

Fading Obsession has now got its own web ring for linking pro-ana sites together. Made on April 14th, 2005 it is another piece of history for this site. Pro-ana site owners be sure to join up to get even more traffic. As the saying goes ... together we are stronger.

As of May 9th, 2005 Fading Obsession has been on the web for five months. In that time it has received over 17,000 unique visitors. Thank you all for coming here and making this moment for Fading Obsession.

September 26th, 2005 marks another first for this website. On this date Fading Obsession received its first ever media coverage. It was featured for a news spotlight on pro-ana sites on the television station TQS based out of Quebec Canada. That day marks what I feel is the beginning of many more media exposures of this site.

August 28th, 2006 Fading Obsession goes full on legit. Yay! With all that has been going on with this site and forum I figured it was about time to put this place on the cyber map permanently. It's now a full on dot com and stands on it's own. The constant flow of taffic has been incredible, been featured on no less than six media spotlights plus surpassing many first wave sites in name recognition. FO is now one of the biggest pro-ana sites to ever exsist. New layout also made up to mark the occassion, plus FO will have another forum added too. (around September 16th, 2006.) Fading is never fading away, we just got stronger. Thank-you to all devoted Fading Obsession members and hope this will continue to get better all the time.

Love, Mandi (aka Fading Obsession)

3 A Day Fruit Diet 3 A Day Fruit
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Russian Gymnast Diet Russian Gymnasts
Super Reduction Oatmeal Diet Super Oatmeal
Vegan Model Diet Vegan Model
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