The Mary-Kate Challenge is a diet that is based on a point system. There are 5 separate categories that you can get points from, calorie intake, exercise, water intake, sleep and also a bonus category. To start of, begin with a 20 points a day requirement. When that becomes easy (when you achieve this goal for a few weeks for example) then increase your daily requirement to 30 points, until you are eventually achieving 40 points a day. Try not to get too many points off the Bonus section. For doing your required points for one week in a row, reward yourself with something nice, like new clothing, accessories, get a new game or DLC’s for your favorites, buy some music, ect. (just don’t waste your efforts and buy junk food.) The points are rewarded as follows:
Calorie Intake:
0-200 = 10 points
201-350 = 8 points
351-500 = 5 points
501-600 = 3 points
601-750 = 1 point
over 750 = 0 points
none = 0 points
15 minutes = 2 points
30 minutes = 5 points
45 minutes = 8 points
1 plus hours = 10 points
1 hour bicycle ride or 45 minute walk = bonus 2 points
Water Intake
0 glasses = 0 points
1 glasses = 1 point
2 glasses = 2 points
3 glasses = 3 points
4 glasses = 4 points
5 glasses = 6 points
6 glasses = 7 points
7 glasses = 8 points
8 glasses = 9 points
9 glasses = 10 points
Sleeping Hours
8 or more hours = 10 points
7 hours = 8 points
6 hours = 7 points
5 hours = 5 points
4 hours = 4 points
3 hours = 2 points
2 hours or less = 0 points
Bonus Points
updating your journal or site = 3 points
no binging = 2 points
supporting others = 3 points
posting thinspiration = 2 points
recording all calories consumed = 2 points
* at your discretion you can add things to the bonus points section, like doing homework, cleaning your home or room, paying your monthly bills on time, doing your laundry, things of that nature. Bonus items are really self improvement items.